Exploring Modern Residential Architecture Precedents: A Source of Inspiration for EHD Architecture

In the ever-evolving landscape of residential architecture, staying educated and knowledgeable of successful projects is crucial. At Elizabeth Hales Design, we value using precedent studies to spark creativity, guide our design process, and facilitate meaningful conversations with our clients. In this blog, we'll delve into some exemplary modern residential architecture projects that you might not have heard of and explore the features that make them exceptional and the ways in which we leverage these precedents in our practice.

Modern Architecture

Modern Architecture Inspiration

One standout precedent is the "Villa S" by Saunders Architecture. Nestled in the breathtaking Norwegian landscape, this residence seamlessly blends into its surroundings through its striking geometric design and extensive use of floor-to-ceiling glass. At EHD, we appreciate how the architects have successfully harmonized nature and modern living. The openness of the spaces and the strategic placement of windows allow natural light to flood the interiors, creating a sense of continuity between the inside and outside.


Another compelling example is the "Case Inlet Retreat" by MW Works Architecture + Design. This project exemplifies the art of simplicity and the celebration of materials. The architects skillfully used cedar and steel to create a warm, inviting space that complements the surrounding woods. As advocates for sustainable design at EHD, we admire how the retreat embraces eco-friendly principles while providing a comfortable and visually appealing living environment. The Case Inlet Retreat serves as a valuable precedent for demonstrating how conscientious material choices can contribute to a home's aesthetic and environmental impact.


Shifting our focus to urban environments, the "Skygarden House" by Dubbeldam Architecture + Design showcases the innovative use of green spaces in vertical architecture. Located in Toronto, this residence features a series of terraces adorned with lush vegetation, creating a private oasis in the heart of the city. This precedent allows us to explore ways to bring nature into urban homes, enhancing the quality of life for inhabitants while contributing to sustainability efforts.

At the core of our design philosophy is the belief that architecture should respond to the unique needs and desires of each client. Precedent studies serve as a powerful tool in our conversations with clients, helping them articulate their preferences and guiding us in translating those ideas into tangible design concepts. By showcasing precedents we initiate discussions about spatial relationships, materiality, and the overall ambiance our clients envision for their homes. Through this process, we continue to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation in residential architecture, ensuring that each project reflects the unique identity and aspirations of its inhabitants.


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